This Envision Conference 2016 research session evaluated recent research on training educational methods and tools for providing professional low vision education. Participants will learned about an undergraduate course related to low vision in older adults; a study aimed at evaluating an architectural design assistance prototype tool and a study describing the formalized training and outcomes of eye care to provide low vision care to people with albinism in Tanzania where multiple barriers to access exist. Abstracts presented:
R5.1.EC16 An Eye on the Future: Development of a Course to Introduce Undergraduate Students to Careers Related to Low Vision in Older Adults, Claudia Oakes, PhD, OT.
R5.2.EC16 Use of Photometric 2D Vision Loss Representations to Inform Architect’s Decision-making when Designing Spaces for Older Persons with Vision Loss: A Qualitative Study of the PCDD Prototype Tool, Vidya Gowda, PhD; Gordon Legge, PhD.
R5.3.EC16 Training Optometrists for an Albinism Low Vision Program in Tanzania, Rebecca Kammer. OD, PhD.
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